Domini Funds 2022 Impact Report
Domini helps to advance climate and racial justice, work collaboratively towards the low-carbon transition, and enhance care for workers’ rights, among other initiatives.
Watch this short excerpt with Carole Laible (our CEO), Lionella Pezza (our Director of Impact Research), and Mary Beth Gallagher (our Director of Engagement) talking about all the work that defined Domini’s impact in 2022.
Lionella Pezza, our Director of Research, talks about Domini’s key performance indicators for researching companies.
Lionella Pezza, our Director of Research, shares an overview of Domini’s research process.
Mary Beth Gallagher, our Director of Engagement, gives some background on Domini’s Forest Project.
Mary Beth Gallagher, our Director of Engagement, explains how Domini engages with companies on key issues.
Mary Beth Gallagher, our Director of Engagement, talks about shareholder
proposals, proxy voting, and other engagement strategies.