Proxy Voting
A publicly traded corporation’s annual meeting gives shareholders the chance to communicate their values through proxy voting. Typically we can vote on the election of board members, on executive compensation, and on other governance matters.
Many fund managers cast all their votes according to companies’ management’s recommendations effectively giving them a free pass and abdicating their power and responsibility as investors to oversee the company’s actions – especially when it comes to sustainability. We have a long-term commitment to transparency in the votes we cast on behalf of you, our mutual fund investors.
Values worth voting on.
Proxy voting is the primary forum where management seeks affirmation of what it’s doing, and where shareholders can weigh in on important issues. Most shareholders are unable to attend the annual meetings of the companies in which they own stock, although virtual participation is an option today. Alternatively, shareholders can participate in absentia, by way of a proxy vote.
Proxy ballots vary but generally include voting on the board of directors, approving the auditors, financial statements, and major corporate actions, voting on proposals put forward by shareholders, and in some markets putting forward shareholder proposals ourselves.
These are incredibly important rights that we work hard to protect. As a transparency leader, we first published our Proxy Voting Guidelines in 1992. Proxy voting is a critically important form of engagement with companies on issues that matter to our shareholders, such as climate change or human rights issues, and our policies reflect that.
Learn more about our proxy voting record and read the Domini proxy voting guidelines below.
Download historical proxy voting records as filed with the SEC on Form N-PX:
- 07/01/23 to 06/30/24
- 07/01/22 to 06/30/23 (PDF)
- 07/01/21 to 06/30/22 (PDF)
- 07/01/20 to 06/30/21 (PDF)
- 07/01/19 to 06/30/20 (PDF)
- 07/01/18 to 06/30/19 (PDF)

Did you know?
The Domini Funds oppose the election of some or all company directors where women make up less than 40 percent or at least three members of the board (whichever is greater). We apply the same standards for underrepresented ethnic and racial groups where data is available.