A Virtual Discussion on Making Soil, Forests and Climate Commitment our Priority
Presented by Domini Impact Investments LLC in partnership with Solutions Journal & Bard Sustainability MBA

A Regenerative Economy puts people, prosperity, and planet into interaction in ways that create abundance for all three. Join us for a discussion of the ways global pioneers are building shared prosperity on a healthy planet though transformations in urban development, the agriculture and finance sectors, and renewable energy. Hunter Lovins will share insights from her new book , A Finer Future , which provides a copiously researched prescription for building a regenerative economic system. Moderated by Dr. Beth Caniglia, Editor in Chief of The Solutions Journal, this intergenerational lunch-and-learn talk will feature Suzanna Buck, Senior Impact Investment Associate and project lead for Forest and Climate Change initiatives at Domini Impact Investments and Presidential Scholar Caravaggio Caniglia.
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Hunter Lovins – Natural Capital Solutions, Founder
Hunter Lovins is President of Natural Capitalism Solutions, which helps companies, communities and countries implement more regenerative practices profitably. A professor of sustainable business management at Bard MBA, she coaches social enterprises around the world and consults to industries and governments worldwide. Author of 16 books, including A Finer Future: Creating an Economy in Service to Life, Hunter has received dozens of awards including European Sustainability Pioneer award, and the Right Livelihood Award. Time Magazine named her Millennium Hero for the Planet.

Suzanna Buck – Domini Impact Investments, Senior Impact Investment Associate
Suzanna Buck brings an ecologist’s mindset to Wall St. In her work at Domini, she attempts to bring a systemic perspective to the financial community to spur a transition to sustainable paradigms. She drives Domini’s efforts to incorporate systems thinking across its standard setting, research, engagement, and communications operations to better identify and mitigate the root causes of sustainability challenges, including deforestation. In 2019 she was named to SRI’s 30 Under 30 list, which recognizes individuals playing a key role in the advancement of sustainable and impact investing. Previously, she worked in environmental law in Boston, Chicago, and Buenos Aires. She has a degree in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from Columbia University.

Caravaggio Caniglia – Presidential Scholar
Presidential Scholar Caravaggio Caniglia was born to loving parents Jacqui and Jeremy in Omaha, Nebraska. His mother, in particular, instilled in him the importance of environmentalism from an early age, starting a Roots and Shoots chapter at his elementary school. After enrolling at Columbia University, Caravaggio participated in environmental policy work through the school’s Roosevelt Institute chapter, publishing a piece on ride-sharing emissions in the group’s national journal. Becoming increasingly interested in science research, he majored in chemistry and conducted research in molecular electronics in Professor Latha Venkataraman’s group. Since graduating in 2019, Caravaggio has taken time to ground himself in the issues that motivated him to pursue basic research in the first place, and became a contributor on carbon sequestration to Solutions . He will begin a PhD in chemistry at Stanford University in the fall.

Beth Caniglia – The Solutions Journal, Publisher
Dr. Beth Caniglia is Executive Director of Earth, Incorporated and Editor-in-Chief of The Solutions Journal. Author of five books, including Regenerative Urban Development, Climate Change and the Common Good and Resilience, Environmental Justice and the City, Dr. Caniglia has been recognized with the Gerold L. Young Outstanding Book Award from the Society for Human Ecology. She has been honored by America’s Who’s Who in The World, the International Women’s Leadership Association, the State of the World Forum, and serves as a Research Fellow for the Wellbeing Economy Alliance.