Domini Impact Investments Signs the Stockholm Declaration on the UN SDGs

July 2017

[New York, NY] – Domini is proud to announce that we have signed the Stockholm Declaration, re-affirming our support for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). The Stockholm Declaration was organized by the GRI and UN Global Compact in May 2017. The pact allows the global investment community to announce their commitment to using the UN SDGs as a framework for investing. The declaration also serves as a call for a reporting framework that will allow investors to record progress towards the common goals.

The UN SDGS are a collection of 17 targets that form a framework for creating and maintaining sustainable development by 2030. They were approved by the UN General Assembly in 2015, and set an ambitious agenda to reduce inequality and fight poverty, protect resources and health, and combat climate change. Explore the SDGs here:

Domini’s core goals of universal human dignity and ecological sustainability are fully aligned with the UN SDGs, and our impact investing standards map to the goals. Reaching the SDG targets will create strong and resilient environmental and social, as well as financial, systems. However, according to the UNCTAD, achieving them will require an estimated investment of $5-7 trillion globally. This level of investment is possible, as each of the 17 goals present myriad business and investment opportunities, but it remains important for investors to work together to disclose and promote investment to meet the goals.