Domini Receives High Scores in PRI Assessment 

Principles for Responsible Investment

Domini Impact Investments is proud to share its scores from our 2024 Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) assessment, an annual reporting project designed to measure how effective PRI signatories are at implementing responsible investment practices.

We scored well-above the PRI median in all reporting modules, receiving scores of five stars in six out of seven modules. We received a perfect score of 100% in the “confidence-building measures” module, underscoring our firm’s commitment to transparency and credibility. Our expertise in integrating environmental and social criteria into the Domini Fund’s impact research and risk management processes drove high scores of 94% across all listed equity and fixed income modules. A score of 88% in the “policy governance and strategy” module was backed by the depth and breadth of our impact investment policies, resources, standards, and engagement practices. As industry standards continue to evolve, the assessment also highlighted opportunities to deepen our work, particularly around climate risk assessment and disclosure, an area in which we intend to focus over the next year.

DOM PRI 2024 Report Summary

This annual assessment is an opportunity for the PRI’s investor signatories to compare responsible investment practices, facilitating learning and development. Domini CEO Carole Laible commented, “As a founding PRI signatory, Domini is gratified to see the continued growth of responsible investment practices across the asset management industry. Our consistently strong scores in this important annual assessment demonstrate our unwavering commitment to helping grow and develop the field of sustainable, responsible, and impact investing.”

Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) is an independent organization supported by the United Nations and dedicated to the promotion of responsible investing. With more than 5,000 global signatories, PRI represents over half of the world’s institutional assets under management. Domini was a founding signatory to the PRI in 2006.

PRI signatories are required to report publicly on their responsible investment activities each year and, in turn, receive an Assessment Report, as well as a public Transparency Report that provides stakeholder accountability. Transparency Reports for all signatories are available to download through the PRI’s Data Portal.