As described in the Supplement dated February 3, 2025 to the Domini Funds’ Prospectus and Statement of Additional Information regarding the Domini International Opportunities Fund (the “Fund”), the Fund’s Board of Trustees has authorized the liquidation of the Fund, which will occur on March 21, 2025 (the “Liquidation Date”). Pursuant to the liquidation, the Fund will end its business activities, transition its portfolio of investments to cash, and arrange for the return of the Fund’s net assets to any remaining shareholders as of the Liquidation Date.

Please note, the liquidation of the Fund does not affect any of the other Domini Funds.

If you are invested in the Fund and do not take action before the Liquidation Date, your current investment will be automatically redeemed as of the Liquidation Date and you will be issued a distribution payment in the form of a check based on your investment in the Fund at that time. Checks related to automatic redemptions will be distributed via US postal mail to the address of record registered on your account.

Shareholders in the Fund have two options for taking action prior to the Liquidation Date:

  1. Exchange the value of your investment in the Fund into another Domini Fund
  2. Redeem your investment in the Fund and have the proceeds distributed to you in accordance with your payment instructions

How to Take Early Action in Your Domini Account

You have until the close of the New York Stock Exchange (normally 4 p.m. ET) on March 20, 2025 to take early action on your investment in the Fund. If you are invested in the Fund through a Domini account, you can exchange or redeem your current investment at any time between now and March 20 using one of the options below. (Please note, if you are invested in the Fund through a financial advisor or third-party brokerage account, you should reach out directly to your advisor with any questions regarding actions you should take.)

  • Online: If you have established online transaction privileges, you may exchange or redeem using our online account services. Log in to your account and select “Online Trading” to exchange or redeem.
  • By phone: If you have established telephone transaction privileges, you may place an exchange or redemption request by calling us at 1-800-582-6757. Select Option 2 to place a trade.

Special note regarding Automatic Investment Plans (AIPs): As of February 3, 2025, the Fund is no longer available for purchase. If you have previously established an AIP that applies to the Fund, it has been discontinued. AIPs established for any other Domini Funds will remain active. If you would like to establish a new AIP or make changes to an existing AIP, you may do so online, by phone, or by mailing a new AIP Form.

You may wish to consult with your tax advisor about your particular situation. A redemption may incur an IRS penalty depending on your situation and account type. It is important to consider the tax implications of redeeming from an IRA or Coverdell ESA.

  • For standard, non-IRA accounts, an exchange or redemption is a taxable transaction.
  • For IRA accounts, exchanging to another Fund is non-taxable, but a redemption is taxable. You may also incur an IRS premature distribution penalty for a redemption if you are under age 59 1/2.
    • If you take no action prior to the Liquidation Date, a 10% federal tax withholding rate will be applied to proceeds of your automatic distribution. Any amount that is distributed must be rolled over into another IRA within 60 days to avoid IRS interest and penalties on the distribution unless you meet certain requirements.
  • For Coverdell ESA accounts, exchanging to another Fund is non-taxable, but a redemption is taxable. You may also incur an IRS penalty for a redemption not tied to a qualified education expense.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call us at 1-800-582-6757 (Option 3). Our representatives are available Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. ET.