Forest of evergreen trees and flower illustration.

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title of the webinar and photos of the speakers on the panel

Health justice: Attaining Global & Equitable Access to COVID-19 Vaccines

March 2020 As COVID-19 vaccines are being rolled out, the deep fault lines in our global health system are growing more apparent. Despite commitments to global action, developed nations have bought up nearly all available vaccines. In addition to the moral failings of this approach, it has profound consequences for our global recovery. Join us … Continued

Event|Public Health|Public Policy|Universal Human Dignity|Video|Webinar|Worker Health & Safety

Defending the Human Rights of China’s Uyghur Muslims

Over the last several years the Chinese government has placed more than 1 million Uyghur Muslims in detention camps, prisons, and factories in the western Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) in what has been referred to as “probably the largest internment of an ethno-religious minority since the Holocaust.” 1   A release of leaked documents … Continued

Universal Human Dignity
Photo of Chief Almir Narayamoga Surui

Forest Positive Leadership – a conversation with Chief Almir Narayamoga Surui

September 2020 As the Brazilian Amazon forests continue to be menaced by fires and acts of illegal deforestation, one of Brazil’s and South America’s most respected thought leaders, Chief Almir Narayamoga Surui , from the Paiter-Surui tribe, gives us an inside view of the current situation, including the arrival of Covid-19 virus to his community, … Continued

Biodiversity|Forest Preservation|Forests|Universal Human Dignity|Video|Webinar
Cover of the Report "Domini Funds 2019 Impact Report"

Domini releases the Domini Funds 2019 Impact Report

New York, NY, Tuesday, June 2, 2020 – Domini Impact Investments LLC, a U.S. pioneer in impact investing, has published the Domini Funds 2019 Impact Report , which highlights the firm’s achievements and explains how Domini works for its shareholders to create value for the planet and its people. Throughout 2019, the firm enhanced its … Continued

Climate|Community Investing|Corporations|Engagement|Forests|Funds|Investment Standards|Press Release|Racial Equity|Reports|Universal Human Dignity|UNSGDs|Worker Health & Safety

COVID-19 and Public Health Concerns

March 5, 2020 Over the past several weeks, countries around the globe have been responding to a public health emergency of international concern, following the emergence of a new respiratory disease, COVID-19, caused by a novel coronavirus. Due to its communicative scope, and its potential to cause severe illness, the coronavirus represents a significant challenge … Continued

Public Health|Universal Human Dignity
Map of Sudan and South Sudan

South Sudan: Investors & Human Rights

South Sudan is a neglected conflict. Since 2013, the fledgling country has been mired in a civil war that has displaced 5 million people, generating the largest refugee crisis in Africa. But unlike the Darfur crisis, there is little public awareness and therefore no divestment legislation or broad-based sanctions. While South Sudan’s volatile state should … Continued

Universal Human Dignity