Sharing Perspectives: Our team talks about the boreal forests and the recent wildfires
Steve Lydenberg, Domini’s Strategic Advisor, and Mary Cobble, an Investment Analyst at Domini, discuss the boreal forests and the fires within them.
From highlights to insights, we use today’s intelligence to help fuel tomorrow’s prosperity and make “investing for good” the way all investing is done.
Steve Lydenberg, Domini’s Strategic Advisor, and Mary Cobble, an Investment Analyst at Domini, discuss the boreal forests and the fires within them.
Read about Domini’s recent efforts on worker safety, insulin affordability, protecting the land of Indigenous People, and more.
Corporations have the responsibility to respect human rights, which applies to workers in global supply chains.
The fashion industry’s sustainability efforts are critical to the future of our planet—and progress is being made.
We joined stakeholders and workers last week at the company’s annual shareholder meeting to advocate for safer working conditions. Learn more about our shareholder proposal and how it will help Dollar General’s workers safety and well-being.
A discussion between Shin Furuya, our Director of Impact Strategy and in-house expert on the future of food, and Mary Cobble, an Investment Analyst at Domini Despite the rapid changes and new advancements happening around us, one cornerstone of our society feels like it has failed to keep pace: our food systems. One in ten … Continued
Looking forward, International Paper has aligned itself with broader global sustainability goals. Its 2030 targets include sourcing 100% of fiber from sustainably managed forests or recovered fiber sources.
The 16.5% vote in support for comprehensive Indigenous Rights Risk reporting signifies a sizeable amount of shareholder interest in fully understanding how the insurance company underwrites projects with human rights impacts.
We’ve worked in solidarity with the Gwich’in people, supporting efforts to protect their culture, livelihood, and the land that has sustained them since time immemorial: the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
In 2022, Domini helped to advance climate and racial justice, work collaboratively towards the low-carbon transition, and enhance care for human rights in conflict-affected areas, among other initiatives. Tune in to our webinar to learn about Domini’s 2022 Impact Report!
Svenska Cellulosa, a Swedish company, is one of the world’s largest suppliers of certified forest products. It ensures everything it sells—from pulp to paper—is certified by the Forest Stewardship Council.
Read about Domini’s latest work on access to medicine, forest preservation, gender equality, and more.